Ora che il sole e il bel tempo sono in aumento, è di nuovo tempo per i più bei fiori estivi. I fiori estivi offrono un’esplosione di colori e profumi, sia in giardino che in casa.

I fiori estivi più popolari:

  1. Ortensie
  2. Delphinium
  3. Lavanda
  4. Dalie
  5. Celosia
  6. Scabiosa
  7. Campanula
  8. Agapanto
  9. Snapdragon
  10. Allium
Art Nouveau_studio_LR-52
Urban Tane_bloemen_LR-38
Bright Vivid_bloemen_MEIJUN_2023_LR-9
Urban Tane_bloemen_MEIJUN_2023_LR-5

Tutti questi fiori sono adatti per realizzare bouquet vivaci e colorati. Ad esempio, combinate altezze e colori diversi per un effetto giocoso. Aggiungete consistenza e profondità utilizzando erbe ornamentali.

Sperimentando con diversi tipi di fiori, colori, altezze e consistenze, potrete realizzare splendide creazioni che riflettono la sensazione dell’estate.

We are changing our looks – not our focus

Those of you reading this, who have been with us for any time over the past 50 years, have witnessed the evolution of our services and business model. It’s because of you that we’ve pushed ourselves to raise our standards, step up to challenges, and serve in greater capacities.

This year we have been undergoing some changes within and on the outside. We’ve been working on a new brand that communicates our team, ethos, client feedback and future plans.

We are incredibly excited today to be sharing our brand look!

As of today you can check out our brand new website and over the next few months we will be shedding our old look and you will witness our packaging changing, our social media evolving, our website coming to life, and some really exciting business solutions launched that we know will serve our industry at an even more impactful level.

We are ready and hope you’ll embrace our new ‘identity’ as much as we do!

We promise we will not let you down!

It’s in our roots. Those flowers, that’s us. We are flowers